Regional Housing Taskforce Findings Report Released

July 2021 the NSW Government established a Regional Housing Taskforce in response to increasing pressures on the supply and affordability of housing in Regional NSW. The task force is charged with investigating regional housing issues and the planning barriers people are experiencing in buying, renting and building a place to live in the regions.

An independent report reflecting the community’s experiences of housing and the planning system in regional NSW has been released by the NSW Government. The Findings Report details feedback from consultation with more than 500 people, councils and representatives from community groups across regional NSW.

A combination of factors is putting more pressure on housing supply in regional NSW. The key issues raised in the findings report include:

  • Greater prioritisation on the coordination and delivery of infrastructure to support new homes;

  • A need for collaboration between all levels of Government, the housing development industry and the community to develop the right type of housing where people need it;

  • Calls to speed up planning processes and reduce duplication, particularly where opportunities to provide housing are time-critical; and

  • Demand for more affordable and diverse housing in line with changing demographics, jobs growth, natural disasters, and migration trends.

Commenting on the report Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Rob Stokes stated, ‘The report confirms COVID-19 has accelerated an existing trend of people moving from the city to the bush, and this has had an acute impact on regional housing markets.’

’The findings tell us what regional communities need to better support their housing needs and I look forward to receiving the taskforce’s detailed recommendations in October.’

Chair of the Regional Housing Taskforce Garry Fielding said the taskforce would now prepare recommendations for the NSW Government to consider in October.

The Findings Report is available below:

Past EventSophie Uden